Thursday, March 15, 2012

Little Girls

Diane von Furstenberg's exclusive collection for Gap kids launched today.  In a video describing the collection she says "A little girl; the minute she is born, she is already the woman she will be - so to empower a little girl, is to empower to the woman she will become"

I just love that.  It makes me realize something I probably already knew, but often forget.  I hope that one of the things I accomplish as a mother is just nurture and celebrate my girls own unique little souls.


  1. So true!! and fantastic photos!! You are good! :)

  2. What a beautiful quote! I have to second everything Heather said- you are an amazing photographer (with adorable subjects) and an amazing Mother and wife. Your awareness and appreciation of your changing lives opens us all to the possibilities we can experience and grow from.
