Thursday, September 9, 2010

Top Chef

So we had the Gorden's and some friends of ours (from Xilinx) over to our house for a Labor Day BBQ (also our 7th wedding anniversary). We discovered recently, thanks to Becky's detective work, that we have a purple fig tree in our back yard. I googled some purple fig recipes and found a fig bruschetta, which utilized Jason's incredible baguettes.

It was pretty unique and tasty. I see purple fig and apple tarts in my future.

Here's the recipe I used...

Purple Fig Bruschetta:

Preparation method

  1. For the fig bruschetta, gently melt the butter in a pan and add the figs.

  2. Heat for a few minutes, then add the walnuts and honey. Caramelise in the pan for a few minutes.

  3. Spoon the fig mixture on top of the toast and place the gorgonzola on top to serve.

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